Forget That New Years Resolution: Try This In 2021.


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It’s almost that time of year again.. you know, the time to make New Year’s resolutions. I mean, I’m totally guilty of making a list. But, how about you forget that New Years Resolution, instead commit to a new, specific resolution every month. 

Each month can be a new focus. Volunteering, self-care, gratitude, letting go of “perfect”, reading, you get the point. For example, In January I will workout 3 days a week for 30 minutes. Or, in February I will meal prep for the week every Sunday.

You can’t change your entire life or completely reinvent yourself in a year. Be realistic, cut your self some slack, set achievable goals, and give yourself some credit because you are taking the time to work on yourself. Maybe each resolution can turn into a long-term habit.  


I think one thing 2020 has taught us to embrace flexibility, live in the present with gratitude, and let go of perfection. 

I hope everyone is safe. Thanks for stopping by! Xo, B!

LifestyleBrenda Torres