Letting Go Of Perfect


Shirt: (Similar) Oversized Pink Shirt Leggings: Spanx Leggings


Hey guys! It’s crazy to think that in two short months 2017 will be over and we will be ringing in the New Year! When I welcomed 2017 I was ready to embrace the new in both my personal and professional life. I wanted to let go of the fear of failure, of anything and anyone that was holding me back, and let go of "perfect". Instead I wanted to grab hold of new opportunities, betters habits, celebrate my strengths, spend more time with the people I love, and connect with others around the world through my blog.

Looking back at this year I can’t help but to think about how much has changed (for the best) and how happy I am. I turned 30 years old, I finally let go of things that were holding me back, my priorities changed, and I met an incredible person! I know we’ve all had a moment when we look at life and wonder why am I here? Why can’t I meet a good guy? I’m a good person why is this happening to me? Why can’t I have her life? Why is her life so perfect? I’m scared of doing this because of what people will say, etc.


STOP. You aren’t the only one going through something difficult but we live in a time where social media does a good job of highlighting the good of someone's life. Why would you want to post the bad right?Social media can be a blessing and a curse and we forget that people post what they want you to see, the “highlights” of their life. Social media shows you the happy moments, the things we love or enjoy, etc. Sharing your struggles, heartbreak, or pain makes you vulnerable and most  people don't want to see that.


Life can be pretty complicated and my life isn’t perfect by any means. I’ve experienced heartbreak, failures, disappointments, and it's all taught me to let go of the idea of “perfect”. I thought something was wrong with me or that I was the only one going through this but I wasn’t. I remember reading, “Focus on what you CAN control, and let go of what you CAN’T”. You have no control over many things in your life- including peoples actions or how they treat you. Working as a Registered Nurse in the ICU makes you realize that life is beautiful, tragedies can occur at any time- and in the end it's a collection of experiences and memories with the people around you. It has really made me appreciate my health and the time I spend with my family. Create your own happy, start each day by thanking God for at least one thing, and try to focus on YOUR journey. The path that will lead you to your destination doesn’t have to be the same as someone else.

Happy Sunday! Thanks for stopping by. I love you guys!!

Xo, B!